
Sunshine on a dark day....

The weather here in Wellington is beautiful today, but (and I'm sure I'm speaking for thousands when I say this) the sun doesn't seem as bright nor does the gathering warmth of summer feel as comforting. And how could it after such an enormous tragedy?

Words can do no justice in a time like this but my heart and thoughts go out to the 29 miners that were lost in the Pike River Mine disaster yesterday and their families, friends and community. 

What a dark day for little ol' New Zealand.

Miss Bonnie x


  1. I know, I was so sad to hear the tragic news yesterday. Ever since Friday I've almost felt guilty to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, with the dark shadow of uncertainty as to the miners well being. I can't begin to imagine what the families and friends of the departed must be feeling. My heart aches to think of their loss.

  2. I'm with you, Sarah - it's truly awful. Although, it's times like these that really make you appreciate what you have and remind you not to take things for granted.


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