
You know you're a Mum when....

you look in the mirror at the end of the day and realise you've been walking around with mashed Weetbix in your hair. 

All day. True story.


  1. Or when you don't realise that your feeding bra has been undone since the last feed and you have been um... lopsided the entire trip around town.

    Or when you take your shirt off at night and notice there is a nice vomit trail down the back of it...

    Both true stories :D

  2. Haha! Love it! The worst I had was opening the door to a Jehovah's Witness in my knickers (forgetting I hadn't any PJ pants on) when Red was wee. A friend opened the door to the neighbour with her boobie still hanging out. Such is life...


Leave me some sugar!