
The birth of The Baby Bump

Babies. Possibly the most confusing of all the human (and animal) race. Maybe the most amazing. And definitely the most time consuming. Ten weeks on from the birth of my first child and I still wonder where the hours in the day go. I am now a milk making, poop cleaning and sleep inducing machine that only just manages to have a shower (2 stolen minutes only), eat breakfast (cold porridge at 3pm) and get dressed (back into my PJ's) each day.

Let's think back to ante-natal classes, way back in those quiet, sleep filled pre-baby days. What was the one thing they drilled into you (besides the importance of breastfeeding and not leaving your baby alone in the bath)? Find time for yourself. Talk about your feelings and by God, have a good old rant when you need to!

Motherhood is tough at the best of times. It's beautiful, it's mind numbing, it's body and soul consuming and it's totally and utterly exhausting.

I plan to write about all of it.

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