
You know you're a Mum when....

you have fed your baby, clothed your baby, had a shower, dried your hair, put a load of washing on, put the dishwasher on, cleaned the kitchen, wiped down the dining table, tidied the spare room, tidied the lounge, tidied baby's bedroom, made your bed, had two cups of tea, gotten the jolly jumper out, put the jolly jumper away, changed two nappies, waved hubby off to work, watered the basil plant, caught up on any major news, checked your emails and changed baby (again) out of puke covered clothes.

All by 7.30am.

1 comment:

  1. millieneal@yahoo.comDecember 8, 2010 at 9:22 AM

    Ha! So true. Sounds like me most mornings...although I'll confess it is probably 9am, rather than 730 am! You are truly a legend!


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