
The food conosseur - solids take.... 3?

Admittedly, I'm beginning to lose count! An update on my last rant.... the solids are ever so slowly going down a little easier with each meal. The sleeping? Yeesh, don't even get me started.

But! I want to keep this post upbeat and positive so I'll stick to the foodies side of things. Now we haven't done a 180 and Little Red hasn't turned into a ravenous devourer of all things solid but we're getting there. I'm sticking to Farex baby rice (pear and apple) because, well, it pretty much tastes of mushy breast milk to which I add a little apple and (if I dare!) some mashed banana. We also gave Only Organics fruit muesli another try and this time - hooray! - no sore tummy's which is a hand clap moment as the wee bunny rather likes it. I also throw some baby muesli with apple and avocado in there sometimes to spice things up a little. 

This is all good and well as long as Little Red has a) his spoon, b) his sippy cup (from which he has no interest in drinking but does thoroughly enjoy throwing it on the floor) or c) a bowl to hold - preferably the one with the food in it. As long as he's happily distracted by either of these three things I can sneak the yums in and he even opens his mouth for the spoon, yippee!  

He's now steadily on the lunch and dinner bandwagon so, fingers crossed, it's all smooth sailing from here and at some point soon Sir Redford will be eating something more than anything with apple in it....


  1. Have you tried baby led weaning? Its awesome - although you need a high tolerance for mess, and for gagging

  2. I've read a bit about it as quite a few mamas have suggested it. I just thought, if it's this hard for me to get food into his mouth will it be any better if he's doing it himself? Perhaps I should look into it again....

  3. my bub refused to be spoonfed (strong will like her mamma!) so we went down the BLW road. Initially was a bit skeptical but found it really easy and intend to do it with #2.
    I think the first thing she tried was steamed broccoli "trees" and cooked green beans. Kumara "chips" (baked in oven) were a big hit. Watermelon chunks, lots of soft fruit chunks...
    Then when she was about 8mth LOVED small things to practice pincer grip on - corn, blueberries, peas etc.
    The premise isn't that they should be eating heaps, its that the 6-12mth period is all about exploration.
    Some people do it on their laps, but I prefered to stick D in her high chair and put the food on her tray and let her go for it. Then we'd start putting bits of what we were having on her tray also.
    My 18mth old now eats ANYTHING I put in front of her!

  4. OK. So now I've had far to many mamas recommend BLW to me with awesome results for me to um and ah over so I think I need to give this a go! Starting tomorrow, it's BLW all the way in our house and here's hoping it goes down well!

  5. good luck! let us know how you go. Google is your friend too - I found out all I needed to know online.

  6. Avocado is great at this time of year, just slice it up into fingers and let him at it. I like the la leche league saying, that food is 'just for fun for under one'

  7. And he's keen on avocado too! Plus we can eat it together (so I can shove it in my gob). I like that saying, I'm going to remember that one.

  8. We personally didn't try BLW as we were a little nervous, but to be honest, I would be more open to it with #2 after so many friends having great (messy) results with it. Dex feeds himself lunch and breakfast and dinner is half and half, I just top him up once he's had his "turn".
    Farex etc gave him a really sore tum too, so we just moved on to pumpkin and kumara which he loved both. Also pureed carrots for some reason.
    Good luck!


Leave me some sugar!